Nyakyusa sound sample

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This sound file is an example of modern Nyakyusa speech as heard in the Kyela area. The speaker is Elias Mwaisaka, second master at Ipinda Secondary School in the 1990s and one of the main contributors to the Nyakyusa dictionary. The sound cut is part of a story about a woman on a bus trip from Mbeya (Mwanjelwa) to Kyela

The cut is interesting from a cultural point of view as it deals with the phenomenon known as ingamwana, and from a linguistic point of view as we can hear the influence of the modern world and the power languages in the terminology used. It also shows the power of the Nyakyusa language and culture as the woman in question will not give in to outside influence.

|| Nyakyusa Homepage || On the net since December 1995 || || Last update: March 21, 2004